Gregg Paley Advising Clients on Florida Medical Marijuana Industry

Gregg Paley and Jennifer Colson are law partners in which is owned by Colson & Paley, LLC. Paley has been advising clients both in Florida and around the country for several years and has developed extensive knowledge about medical marijuana laws and businesses. Gregg Paley Florida Medical Marijuana Lawyer.

Paley and Colson both advise clients about legal requirements under the Florida Medical Marijuana Laws as well general business issues including contracts, shareholder and investment agreements, license applications/permits and potential business opportunities in the industry. Medical Marijuana Business Opportunities in Florida.

Florida recently passed a constitutional amendment by an overwhelming 72% of the vote which authorizes the implementation of a full medical marijuana program in Florida subject to reasonable regulatory guidelines. Although the Florida legislature has not yet agreed on an actual bill to start the boll rolling, hopes are high that proposed legislation which is far from perfect but better than nothing will pass in the very near future. From there Gregg Paley says  “expect a number of changes as the industry matures so make sure to have a strong management and legal team to keep up.” Florida Medical Cannabis Lawyers.

About greggpaley

Gregg Paley is an attorney and avid fisherman located in Lighthouse Pt. Florida. Gregg handles a variety of commercial litigation, business and construction matters as as well as personal injury and employment cases. Paley attended the University of Maryland and the George Washington University National Law Center where he was a member of the prestigious George Washington Law Review. Gregg is also listed in the International Game Fish Association World Book of Records for catching a 5 Grand Slams which is the capture and release of a blue marlin, white marlin and sailfish on the same day.
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