By: Gregg Paley, Esq., Colson & Paley, LLC

A successful foreclosure short sale is when the bank lets you sell your home for less than the loan amount AND also agrees to waive the remaining balance and not pursue a Deficiency Judgment.  Short sales are favored by many homeowners as one of the best Foreclosure Options and considered by most as part of their stop foreclosure program.

Whether you have an Underwater Mortgage or are lucky enough to be involved in a Foreclosure Lawsuit (or both!), finally getting short sale approval can be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. If you have an underwater mortgage, like any bad investment it’s better to cut your losses than to risk further decline in your home’s value.  Likewise, if you’re in the midst of a foreclosure lawsuit when the lender approves your short sale, pop a cork and start the party because approval of the sale means immediate dismissal of your foreclosure lawsuit! Legal Defenses to Foreclosure

You may be able to find potential buyers by spreading word of your short sale plans to friends and acquaintances or by using a realtor located through a trusted source. There are also many online services for both buyers and sellers of foreclosure properties that are reliable and can be of great assistance for the type of property you’re looking to buy or sell.However, Paley warns that there are also a great many con artists and scams online and elsewhere anxious to take advantage of distressed homeowners looking for help. To avoid problems and scammers, only use reliable professionals referred to you by a person or company you trust.

Learn About the Foreclosure Process

Florida Foreclosures

Foreclosure Short Sale Process

The foreclosure short sale process can be a long and tedious procedure, but in most situations the benefits outweigh the headaches. Much like a normal sale of your home, the primary objective is to find buyers interested in purchasing your property for as close to the sale price as possible. The similarity ends there, however, as your objective is no longer profiting from the sale but getting an offer close enough to your loan balance to convince the lender to approve your short sale. Avoiding Deficiency Judgments

The other major difference between a short sale and a typical home sale is that the lender will be involved right from the start all the way thru final approval of the sales price which often delays the sale and risks losing your buyer. As a result of the time and complexity involved in the short sale process, you are well advised to hire a realtor with specific experience handling short sales. As we’ve noted before and continue to stress, it’s essential to hire professionals like realtors and others based on referrals from a trusted source or someone who has previously used their services to avoid con artists and scams.

Once you find a few realtors to meet with, be sure to ask how many short sales they’ve handled, how many of the listings actually sold and which major lenders they’ve successfully worked with.

More Foreclosure Options

Tips To Get Short Sale Approval

There are many things you can do to improve the chances of getting your short sale approved. In fact, by doing a little basic research about your home’s current value and learning all you can about the mortgage Foreclosure Process you’ll make a proposal that will be hard to refuse.  Florida Foreclosure Process

According to Gregg Paley, the biggest hurdle in getting your short sale approved is convincing the lender that its the best outcome for both sides. By confirming that your mortgage is underwater and that you can’t afford the monthly payments,the lender will quickly realize there are few if any options and a short sale is much cheaper and easier than a protracted foreclosure lawsuit.

To show that your mortgage is underwater, use online services like or hire a realtor or appraisal company to get an idea of how much your home is worth based on comparable sales in the area. Once you can show the lender that your mortgage is underwater and by how much, the next step is submitting a package with all of your supporting materials.  Is Your Mortgage Underwater?

Banks typically require a hardship letter that explains the nature and cause of your financial problems together with tax returns and recent pay stubs to make sure they’re not getting ripped off by people who don’t really have financial problems. To help with this important step we have prepared a Sample Short Sale Hardship and Cover Letter to send to the lender that will help get your short sale approved. You will find all of our sample letters and materials in ourSample Documents section of the website.

FAQ’s About Foreclosures

Final Note-Talk With A Financial Adviser

There is a chance that the IRS will view the money that your bank agrees to forgive from the short sale as taxable income so its essential to meet with a financial adviser to discuss this matter. Although there are several legal methods to avoid possible tax implications, this issue is best left to a professional financial adviser or accountant. Read about the choice between taxable income and  Deficiency Judgments.

About greggpaley

Gregg Paley is an attorney and avid fisherman located in Lighthouse Pt. Florida. Gregg handles a variety of commercial litigation, business and construction matters as as well as personal injury and employment cases. Paley attended the University of Maryland and the George Washington University National Law Center where he was a member of the prestigious George Washington Law Review. Gregg is also listed in the International Game Fish Association World Book of Records for catching a 5 Grand Slams which is the capture and release of a blue marlin, white marlin and sailfish on the same day.
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